#lockdownhairdespair - Cassie's Story
When I was sat there being told I had cancer, one of the first questions that naturally comes is “Am I going to lose my hair?” When I was told yes I think I kind of went in to shock along with the rest of the news. My hair started falling out about a week after my first chemo, I was waking up with clumps of hair on my pillow or I’d brush it and the brush would be full, so I decided to take some control.
Cassie modelled at Maggie’s on the Runway in 2018
As soon as you’re diagnosed, a lot of things are taken out of your hands but deciding to shave my hair before it fell out completely was all my decision and getting back a little bit of control. Don’t get me wrong, it was devastating, harsh and my proof that I was very very poorly but in the grand scheme of things I knew that losing my hair meant nothing to the fact that I might lose my life and being bald was something I’d be willing take over and over again if it meant I’d still be here to tell my tale and live my life.
Cassie X