"I didn't know I needed Maggie's until I walked through the doors"
Hi , My name is Nicola and I am 46 young. I was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in Dec 2017, at the grand old age of 43, which was completely not what was expected from a routine colonoscopy one week before Christmas. I thought maybe I was suffering IBS or even worried myself I may have Chrones Disease, never did I imagine they would find two tumours.
I remember the feeling of just being on auto pilot, waiting for a treatment plan. My family and children fell to pieces around me, I felt I needed to stay strong for everyone else. I didn't think I looked “poorly” but having lost 3 stone within weeks they were looking at what I couldn't see.
In Jan 18 I had my first operation of bowel resection with temporary colostomy, radio and chemotherapy followed then complete bowel removal and permanent Ileostomy (poo bag attached to outside stomach, who I have named Sue) in April 2018. This was followed up with more chemo until October 2018 when I received my all clear unfortunately, my final CT scan shown blood clots. I then attended four months of anti coagulation clinics weekly until May 2019.
It was whilst attending an Oncology appointment at The Christie I was told of Maggies. I didn't know anything of the centre until then. I didn't know I needed Maggies until I walked through the doors. It then became my safe haven. I could sit alone if thats what I needed, I could sit at the table where I could talk about anything. It is so warm, welcoming and the place to learn to breathe again.
I attended a Look Good Feel Good session and hadn't laughed and been that relaxed in a long time. We had conversations about knitted knockers and whether it best to order them with or without nipples, we talked wigs and mastectomies, hair loss and defining eyebrows. It was my confirmation that I had joined an elite club, the one where you never asked to join but the members are bloody amazing.
I had an amazing 2019 with a new zest for life. I went paddle-boarding, kayaking, took long walks in the country and found a new love of festivals and music gigs. At the point of diagnosis I wasn't able to consider making plans for tomorrow never mind months ahead, coming out of 2019 I had plans for the whole year ahead.
The Covid struck…. The whole world had to adapt to a new set of rules, for me it was to isolate and work from home and keep in touch with everyone online.
On routine CT scan in May 2020 I was diagnosed with lung cancer and half left lung was removed. I got the great news at Christmas 2020, all clear.
In May this year I saw a post on Facebook that Maggies were searching for their next Runway Models. The fact I have loved Rick Astley since being 14 had no bearing on my application at all!!!! I was fit, well and feeling energetic enough to put myself forward. I am a super confident person, on the outside. Inside is a different story. I want to out myself in the Runway to show the world I confident and I am very much alive.
However, my recent scan has shown the cancer has returned again in my right lung. I am currently awaiting the next operation date whilst in preparation for Maggies On The Runway. Throughout this adventure I remain upbeat and positive and continue with my zest for life. Maggies has been my safe haven throughout, the place where I can just breathe.