Maggie's On The Runway

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"From that moment I fell in love with Maggie’s and made it my goal to try to go more often. "

Zuzanna’s Story

My life changed forever in December 2018.

It started when I found a lump in my left breast …..but I thought it was nothing.

I remember watching The Lorraine show on ITV and there was a campaign breast checking feature where you were told not to ignore any symptoms. I got scared and I went to see my GP. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that it was not going to be good news.

From that day everything went crazy. I was immediately sent to hospital for more tests and of course biopsy and then the agony of waiting for results.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

I was convinced myself that all would be fine and that there was no need chemotherapy but after my first surgery in January 2019 I was told that I will need chemotherapy as part of my treatment.

This was very bad time for me because all my family is in Poland only my sister was with me to support me through this.  

So my Journey officially started.

I began my 6 courses of chemotherapy. Exactly 14 days after my first chemotherapy I started losing hair,  so I ask my friend to come and shave it all off. I didn’t want to see it falling out gradually day by day so I took control. I wanted it to be a MY decision. At that point I remember the Macmillan nurse telling me about Maggie’s.

After one of my visits to the Christie Hospital I went to find Maggie’s.

I was in shock how so peaceful and quiet it was there.  A beautiful building full of green. I remember sitting down next to fireplace and one of fantastic volunteers bring me coffee and have chat with me and listening to me.

This was fantastic experience and from that moment I fell in love with Maggie’s and made it my goal to try to go more often.

So every time in between chemotherapy treatments, I was there. I even participated in the “Look good feel better” class that helped me regain my self -esteem.

The support of Maggie’s has been amazing so far and  I cant’ imagine how I would have possibly got through this difficult time without their support .

I remain strong and positive.

I will never forget the day when Maggie’s celebrated their 3rd birthday and we had the chance to listen to Rick Astley live in the Centre. This was day when I had my 4th chemotherapy treatment and even got the chance to meet Rick along with lots of other fantastic Maggie’s people.

I also shared that day with my Sister Cecylia at Maggie’s and she loved every minute. I want to say a massive thank you to my friends and family for all their love and support.

Ok…. So the silver lining is…..I get to meet Rick in person once more as one of Rick’s Chicks 2021.  I can’t wait to see him at the bottom of the Concorde catwalk on 16th October singing especially for me!